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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Do you like free gifts?

Hey, beautiful people!

Any of my fans have a Kindle? Well, go and send me an email to and put "I have a Kindle" on the subject line....And I will send you an email X-mas Eve....What is it? Well, you can't open it til X-mas---so look out for it!--xoxoxo

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It is ready! Click Title---(Kindle only)

Hey, beautiful people!

The Lady of the Hill is ready for all to see! Well it's 99 cents, but it is a good read, one you have to read over and over again to get the is good trust me....Clicking on the title will take you to the page---Free Read for Kindle Prime Members!

Lady of the HIll is coming!

Hey, beautiful people!

      I have put my latest story on Amazon. It should be ready to lend and buy in a day or two...visit my site, the book should be featured there when it goes on sale....and yes you will love it! Lost loves, marriages, death and murder are in this check it out...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas getting closer... so behind!

Hey, beautiful people!

   Absolutely hate the long lines at the stores.... I still have two gifts to buy and it is too late to buy off the internet unless I want to pay a helluva lot of money for well see...good thing my two nephews just want cash---YAY!

      Okay...gotta concentrate...I am editing THE LADY OF THE HILL and it is another short story with some twists and turns, but a good read nonetheless, I had to tweak it some after some questions arose about the character's turmoil, but I am glad to say it will be ready in a couple of days... then my next chapter to my werewolf story will be worked on...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My eyes want to close...

Hey, beautiful people!

I am still up! I got some great ideas for the werewolf story by talking with a friend---and the rest of the chapters have been mapped out and the ending will be spectacular! Chapter Eight should be out soon--before Christmas anyway!---I am also editing my next short story THE LADY OF THE HILL and it is such a strain on the eyes---any suggestions?? I have to get it finished----also before Christmas! It will be sold on Amazon and Barnes and Noble sites---so check it out! Okay ---I am off to bed! G-nite!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Hey, beautiful people!

 I am revising The Lady Of the Hill, and it will be another short story, about 3000 words, it is part fiction and part real life events, stories my mother has told me throughout the years about our family and the struggles they had in the past. I hoped it would of been all true, but I thought of an interesting twist to the climax that is not reality, but I know you will enjoy it ! Remember it is out this Christmas and as with all my stories, it will be 99 cents!

Monday, December 12, 2011

extrEMARIties: Hiatus

extrEMARIties: Hiatus: Hey, beautiful people! Have been aggressively marketing my short stories FOLLOW THE DUCT TAPE and CHASING DEMONS. I have also been working...

Hey, beautiful people!


Hey, beautiful people!

Have been aggressively marketing my short stories FOLLOW THE DUCT TAPE and CHASING DEMONS. I have also been working on the gay werewolf story, Chapter Seven has been released and you can find all of them @ under FREEREADS. Also the BARE BOY SERIES is getting alot of attention... Read chapters one and two for free @ is coming soon....I am also editing the next short story THE LADY OF THE will be coming out Christmas 2011...And the highly anticipated erotic fantasy saga THE OMEGA ZOIDION WARS is coming 2012....Stay tuned!